
Showing posts from October, 2019

Worm Castings Sold +Tampa. Updated 12 / 4 / 2024

Vermicompost, Worm Castings . $45.00 for a 5 Gallon Bucket approx 36lbs.  Call 813 770 4794           Worm Castings +Tampa+ Florida It takes Years to build true Worm Castings,not a month. Our Worm Castings take 5 years. It is critical what is used in the process. No GMO GRAINS,NO NEWS PAPER,NO CARDBOARD. NO SOURCE THAT HAS Pesticides,Herbicides,or fungicide. NO MANURE FROM ANY SOURCE THAT USE ANY COMMERCIAL FEED,NO HORSE STABLE MANURE ,FOR THEY USE MEDICATION IN WORMING THE HORSES,(WITH ALMOST 99% DO).  GOOGLE CARDBOARD DANGERS   Swiss researchers have discovered that toxic mineral oils from recycled newspapers can be absorbed by foods commonly packaged in cartons made from recycled cardboard. Some samples of pasta, rice and cereal had mineral oil content of up to 100 times higher than the agreed upon safe limit, according to the BBC . Home / Helpful Hints and Information Worth Sharing / Bottom line – ca...

Vermicompost . Updated 12 / 3 / 2024

Vermicompost, Worm Castings   for Sale in Tampa Florida.     Vermicompost, Worm Castings . $45.00 for a 5 Gallon Bucket approx 36lbs.  Call 813 770 4794         Worm compost Dirt, Worm Castings.   Worm Castings +Tampa+ Florida It takes Years to build true Worm Castings,not a month. Our Worm Castings take 5 years. It is critical what is used in the process. No GMO GRAINS,NO NEWS PAPER,NO CARDBOARD. NO SOURCE THAT HAS Pesticides,Herbicides,or fungicide. NO MANURE FROM ANY SOURCE THAT USE ANY COMMERCIAL FEED,NO HORSE STABLE MANURE ,FOR THEY USE MEDCATION IN WORMING THE HORSES,(WITH ALMOST 99% DO).  GOOGLE CARDBOARD DANGERS We use no material that has not been exposed to pesticides,herbicides,fertilizers,growth Hormones,and animal medications . What you put in is what you get out. We do not feed GMO grains,newspaper and cardboard .Certain materials contain chemicals that do not break down. Gr...

Worm Castings for Sale +Tampa. Updated 12 / 3 / 2024

With the exception of water and sunlight, nothing could be more natural for your garden than earthworm castings. Not steer manure, not chicken manure, not even fish emulsion is as natural for your garden as earthworm castings! After all, when digging in your garden have you ever found a live cow, chicken, or fish? No, what you do find are live worms. Mother Nature created the mighty worm about 570 million years ago to care for her plant life by caring for the soil. As the earthworm eats its way through the soil, it takes in bits of soil and rotting or decaying plants (organic matter). And what comes out is the richest food your plants will ever find, yet will not burn a plant! Earthworms have the unique ability to increase the amount of nutrients and minerals in the soil by as much as 10 times the value of the plant debris there. These minerals and nutrients are properly conditioned for the best root growth and lush plant growth – plus it’s odor free! Why Gardeners...

Wildflower Honey . Updated 2/22/2025

Tampa Local Raw  Wildflower Honey   The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine r eports that local honey is often eaten by allergy sufferers -- with the belief that it boosts the immune system and acts much like an immunization by building up your body’s antibodies to allergens and pollen. Wild Flower Honey is not one plant specific.                                                                                                      . Pint Mason Jars of Select Dark Local Raw Wild Flower Honey for $17.50 Quart Mason Jars of Select Dark Local Raw Wild Flower Honey for $29.50 .  1/2 Gallon Mason Jars of Select Dark Local Raw Wild Flower Honey for $4...

Honey for Sale +Tampa . Updated 2/22/2025

  Private Reserve Select  Local Raw Wild Flower Honey Local Raw Wild Flower Honey for sale in Tampa  Pint Mason Jars of Our Exceptional Special . Local Raw Wild Flower Honey is $17.50 Quart Mason Jars of Our Exceptional Special .Local Raw Wild Flower Honey is $29.50 1/2 Gallon Mason Jars of Our Exceptional Special . Local Raw Wild Flower Honey is $48.00 1 Gallon of Our Exceptional Special . Local Raw Wild Flower Honey is $80.00 Raw Wild Flower Exceptional  Raw Local Wild Flower  Honey sold in Tampa Florida   813 770 4794              CALL 813 770 4794                                                                                             ...

Vermicompost,Worm Castings . Updated 10 / 26 / 2024

Worm Castings Tampa +Florida      Vermicompost, Worm Castings . $45.00 for a 5 Gallon Bucket approx 36lbs.  Call 813 770 4794           Worm Castings +Tampa+ Florida It takes Years to build true Worm Castings,not a month. Our Worm Castings take 5 years. It is critical what is used in the process. No GMO GRAINS,NO NEWS PAPER,NO CARDBOARD. NO SOURCE THAT HAS Pesticides,Herbicides,or fungicide. NO MANURE FROM ANY SOURCE THAT USE ANY COMMERCIAL FEED,NO HORSE STABLE MANURE ,FOR THEY USE MEDICATION IN WORMING THE HORSES,(WITH ALMOST 99% DO).  GOOGLE CARDBOARD DANGERS We use no material that has not been exposed to pesticides,herbicides,fertilizers,growth Hormones,and animal medications . What you put in is what you get out. We do not feed GMO grains,newspaper and cardboard .Certain materials contain chemicals that do not break down. Grass clipping, shrubbery, and manures are of great concern...

Florida Red Wigglers, Safe Composting Red Wiggler . UPDATED 7 / 17 / 2024

 This Florida Red Worm (Red Wiggler) is is part of a solution for eliminating part of your waste going to landfills in Tampa. Vermicomposting is the process of using Red worms and micro-organisms to turn kitchen waste into a black, earthy-smelling, nutrient-rich humus. This possess is a inexpensive way to compost and in return organic matter into rich soil.  People in Tampa interested in composting   have visited Hongkongwillie Red wiggler Farm for over 35 years. Composting with  Florida Red worms  can reduce a large amount of our waste that go to Landfills. We sell a Florida Red Worm that is native to Florida.   We Sell by size of Red worm ,which are large. .The reason why we don’t sell by thousands or use this term is because it can be confusing. To explain, a thousand grains of sand is one thing, or a pound of sand is a something else. When ordering Red...

Special Wildernes Raw Honey . Updated 2/22/2025

Raw Wildernes Exceptional   Honey sold in Tampa Florida Our Wilderness Raw Honey is a bold honey. It is more popular choice than Processed  honeys. In general, Raw Honeys have higher mineral content. Pint Mason Jar of Special Wilderness Raw Honey is $17.50 . Quart Mason Jars of Special Wilderness Raw Honey. ( 32 oz ) for $29.50 1/2 Gallon Mason Jar of Special Wilderness . Raw Honey. is $48.00 1 gallon of Special Wilderness  Raw Honey. is $ 80.00 Local Raw Wild Flower Exceptional . Raw                 CALL 813 770 4794                                                                                                           ...