Local Honey Sold In Tampa . Updated 1/14/2025
Local Raw Unfiltered Honey, Honey for Sale+Tampa Tampa Local Raw Wilderness Honey . Pint Mason Jars of Tampa Local Honey is $17.50 Quart Mason Jars of Local Tampa Honey is $29.50 1/2 Gallon Mason Jars of Tampa Local Honey is $48.00 1 Gallon of Local Tampa Honey is $80.00 . Tampa Local Wilderness honey is made by bees that have collected nectar from a local source of Necta r from Wilderness areas. The taste and composition of Wilderness honey can vary depending upon the variety of flowers in bloom at the time the honey is made. The potential health benefits of Raw Wilderness Honey are many due to its nutrient rich content and anti-microbial properties. Our Wilderness Raw Honey is a bold honey. It is more popular choice than PROCESSED honeys. In general, REAL honeys have higher mineral contents (e.g. potassium, manganese, iron, sodium, etc.) than PROCESSED ones (Czech Journal Food Science,...